Why Play VeoniS?
Why play VeoniS? Low entry barrier. Anyone can play the game for free with limited abilities. Players can unlock the full version of the game and earn rewards by owning at least one NFT soldier. Unlimited NFT variations. Each chasing period offers a huge selection of new NFTs created by our talented artist. Each NFT is a combination of randomly selected parts that have their own color and design. These parts also come in varying rarity, which affects their appearance and playability. A virtually unlimited number of combinations ensures that each NFT is unique, and a limited coinage period allows you to maintain value through scarcity. AFK-Friendly. Players have the ability to mine resources both actively (assault battles) and passively (defensive battles). Additional NFT value. The value of NFTs in VeoniS is determined not only by their appearance. Since each NFT is a playable unit, its combat capabilities are also part of the equation. Improving an NFT will increase its strength and make it more desirable on the market
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